Why Blog About Hell?
The subject of hell is one that is constantly misunderstood, misapplied, and misused throughout many Christian theological circles. Numerous Christian leaders, teachers, and pastors have used hell since the writing of the Gospels as a threat of eternal damnation with the specific intention of forcing individuals to accept the Christian message and ultimately convert them to Christianity. Similarly, the doctrine of hell was considered heretical to not believe in it’s reality, as evidenced by the early Catholic church and various religious societies down through the ages (this will be an ensuing topic of future blog posts). Therefore, the doctrine of hell has been assumed as one of the foundational beliefs that originated with Christianity and one that believers must adhere to in order to be deemed “orthodox.”
I want to start this blog (which can be found HERE) with the hopes of educating everyone, both Christians and non-Christians, on what the Bible actually says about the topic of hell. It will be an academic and theological discourse that will cite scholarly sources and provide evidence to whatever is claimed in the current blog post. I will refer to my sources at the end of each blog so readers can investigate those for themselves, if they so choose, and perhaps find sources that they were previously unfamiliar with. Therefore, I do not expect this blog to be “popular” because it will be written with a formal approach in view and will not be treated casually.

About me
I am a seminary graduate with a BA in Pastoral Ministry, an MA in Theolgy and currently working towards a Ph.D in Biblical Exposition. My focus (and dissertation) will be on hell in some form and I hope to use this blog as a ministry to be able to help people understand the doctrine a little better.
I am not confined to one specific theological point of view and do not regard myself conservative or liberal but would consider myself more moderate with respect to my theology. This blog will reflect a moderate viewpoint and attempt to objectively look at issues and follow the evidence, wherever it may lead, regardless of any presuppositions.
Why Hell?
Growing up in a Pentecostal church in the 80’s, I was always informed that if I was not a Christian, I would be going to hell to burn for eternity. It was often used as a threat and a deterrent from backsliding or sinning and to keep the youth from succumbing to the secular worldviews. When hearing this message for so many years, it is easy to see why hell is such a significant issue, not just to me, but anyone else who grew up in this environment.
After reading a little bit about the subject during my undergrad work, I learned a few things that made me want to investigate this topic a little further. This blog is the result of most everything I have read and learned over the years and I hope to share some information and present evidence to help others understand this difficult doctrine more effectively.