Videos About Hell
This page will contain a variety of links to videos about hell on YouTube and on other sites where videos are linked. Additionally, I will provide a short description under the video to give a little idea about the video. As a result, many of these (though not all) will follow topics from my blog posts. When I write a new blog post, I will therefore try to add videos about that topic on here from time to time. If you know of any others that might be good for this page, please let me know!
*I have put the run time of the video in parentheses next to the title because some people enjoy shorter videos, and some enjoy longer ones.
The Geographical Gehenna/Valley of Hinnom Videos
The historical site of hell (7:15)
The historical site of “hell.” This Jewish video takes the viewer on a tour of what is happening in the Valley of Hinnom today as well as some background context concerning the geographical valley itself.
The significace of the Valley of Hinnom (14:30)
Terrific background contextual information concerning the Valley of Hinnom and what it meant to a Jew in OT times. The first 11 minutes is pure contextual information but the last few minutes becomes a little “preachy.” However, it has good details about the valley nonetheless.
Biblical lands tour of the Valley of Hinnom (13:25)
A biblical tour video that shows a guide taking others on a tour around the actual Vally of Hinnom in Jerusalem. Interesting perspective if you have never been there yourself.
RS Tours: The Hinnom Valley (43:00)
Great, long 43 minute teaching video all about the geographical Valley of Hinnom. If you have the time, this should be the first video you watch to get a good understanding of the background context of the valley. I cannot recommend this video enough for anyone wanting to explore the physical valley itself.
Child Sacrifice in the Hinnom Valley Videos
To Molek or As A Molk? (8:57)
Short and great explanation of the idea that there was no god named “Molek” but instead was a “molk” sacrifice, as evidenced in one of my blog posts HERE.
Views of Hell/Annihilation Videos
Annihilationism (13:13)
An annihilationism (or universalist?) position about “gehenna.” He advocates a temporal, literal place of Gehenna (The Valley of Hinnom) which can therefore be viewed as a prophecy of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. However, his position is not precisely clear.
The Traditional View Refuted (57:46)
YouTube channel “Expedition 44” takes on the topic of hell. I have never heard of them before but they have 55K subscribers so they are quite popular. They appear to confirm the annihialationist viewpoint. Long video at 55+ minutes but very information.
Annihilationism interview (42:30)
Good interview from Chris Date with the author of The Fire that Consumes, Edward Fudge. Fudge essentially launched annihilationism back into the forefront with this book and is consequently relied heavily upon in annihilation debates.
Views of Hell/Universalism
David Bentley Hart on Universalism (6:52)
This could be placed in the “Words of Hell” category but Hart is a famous universalist today and quite the intellectual. This is a great video of him explaining what the separate words of hell mean.
Views of Hell/Separation Videos
Defending the idea that hell is "locked from the inside." (6:17)
Christian Apologist Frank Turek responds to a question from the audience about the nature of hell. His overarching premise is to clarify that hell is “separation,” and it is “someone choosing hell.”
How Could God Create a Hell? (52:00)
*Audio Only* Really good interview from Capturing Christianity who interviews Dr. Jerry Walls on the nature of hell. He does a good job of humbly describing his thoughts on the topic. Furthermore, he writes extensively on the topic of hell and even wrote his dissertation on the subject. He is therefore a good, knowledgable source of information.
Does God Send People to Hell? (35:34)
Another video from Michael Jones, aka “Inspiring Philosophy.” He advocates for the “separation” theory and C.S. Lewis’s “hell is locked from the inside” position of hell. That is to say, individuals who end up in hell, chose it.
What is hell? IP discusses the separation view (36:16)
Though not an actual scholar or theologian, Micahel Jones (aka Inspiriring Philosophy) is a YouTube “theologian” who has a tremendous influence on the younger generation (235K subscribers). Subsequently, his view is hard to nail down and seems like a cross between annihilationism and separation.
Does God Send People to Hell? (5:20)
Christian apologist J. Warner Wallace defends the idea that God sends people to hell. Though he does not advocate for “torture,” he does mention separation from God as punishment for what was done to the body. Interesting take on the separation view.
Views of Hell Videos/Traditional View
Is everyone punished the same? (12:27)
*Audio Only* John Piper’s view on hell which is consequently almost identical to the traditional view of hell. However, he does at least treat the topic with all seriousness.
Promoting his Erasing Hell book (29:14)
Francis Chan, promoting his book “Erasing Hell.” Interesting to note, he feels that the “annihiliationist” view is a genuine biblical viewpoint now, even though he may not have believed it at the time of the writing of this book. Futhermore, he co author of the book, Preston Sprinkle, has since come out as an annihilationist.
The Truth About Hell Sermon (57:36)
A reformed, Calvinist view of hell. MacArthur proposes the standard and traditional interpretation of hell but does so in a sermon. Therefore, it is not a scholarly treatise on the subject but is a good, sermon style of exposition.
Hades, Gehenna, Tartarus, the Lake of Fire, and the Bottomless Pit - Explained (19:06)
A good teaching on how many traditionalists interpret what the Bible says to come to a conclusion of eternal conscious torment. Very high production value but very low in critical exegetical thinking about a text. They take many verses from Revelation as “clear” teaching of Hell. Sadly, this is how many American churches read and interpret passages pertaining to hell.
Words of Hell Videos
Words of Hell (15:43)
Great video about the “words of hell” similar to what I wrote about in a blog post. He does a great job of explaining the words and linguistics concerning the underworld of hell. In addition, he makes some difficult issues easy to understand.
Words of Hell (7:47)
Robin Parry is a universalist and this is, therefore, a short discussion about the words translated as “hell” in the Bible. In other words, it has good information for anyone exploring Universalism. He likewise has many other videos worth checking out if anyone is curious about this topic.
Early Church History Teaching on Hell
Church Fathers Who were Annihilationists (13:01)
Glenn Peoples from Rethinking Hell (there will be a lot of videos from them on this site) gives a good summary of the view of annihilationism from the Apostolic Fathers, Irenaeus, Arnobius, and Athanasius. Highly recommended!
Early Church Father, Ignatius of Antioch
Chris Date, from Rethinking Hell live, discusses the early church father Ignatius of Antioch and gives a great history on why he was considered an annihilationist.
History of Hell Videos
History of Hell (9:31)
Another one of my favorite videos about hell. This video has good information about the history of hell from the YouTube channel “Religion for Breakfast.” Moreover, he gives a good, quick rundown about how hell came into Christian thought. As a result, it is a great historical video about the doctrine of hell that is on par, if not better, than Bart Ehrmans video about the history of hell.
History of Hell (65:00)
Whether you agree or not with Bart Ehrman, this video is a great scholarly lecture about the origins of hell and one of my favorite videos about hell in general. Therefore, it is not a theological treatise of any kind but gives historical, factual information regarding the origins of hell.
The Egyptian Amduat (41:35)
A History Professor who gives a historical presentation about the Amduat. May not be the highest quality video-wise but is very high quality content-wise. If you wish to know more about the Egyptian hell, this is a great video to learn from.
Mesopotamian Hell (14:52)
*Audio Only*
Not the most exciting video on YouTube but has tremendous information nonetheless. If you are into boring, educational and scholarly videos, this is for you.
5 Things You Didn't Know About Hell (3:52)
Short 4 minute video from Bart Ehrman who talks about the history of hell in the Bible and asserts Jesus emphatically taught annihilationism.
The Greek Underworld: Hades (10:54)
Really good historical video on the Greek hell and Hades. Higher quality than some other videos on the history of hell. This is highly recommended for anyone curious about what Hades entails.
6 Strange Ideas of Hell from Other Religions (8:06)
Tongue in Cheek and a somewhat humorous look at hell from various religions today. It does go into the historical aspects of hell, hence why it is posted in this category. I really enjoy this video!
Charon: The Greek Ferryman (6:40)
Thought not specifically about hell, this is a high quality video about Charon, the ferryman who brought souls from the land of the living to the land of the dead (Hades).
Hell is Not Real Videos
Hell is not real (33:19)
A former pastor who is now a famous atheist on YouTube. Though he is against Christianity, he does have some solid observations about what Christians believe concerning hell since he was part of ministry for a long time. As a result, he has many insights into the hell debate, whether you agree with his stance or not.
What was Gehenna? (10:24)
A denial of hell from a YouTube channel called “hell is not real.” It is obvious to see their stance which, and, what they feel about the doctrine of hell. However, they do make some good points throughout the video and is nonetheless worth watching.
The Invention of Hell (1 hour 29 minutes)
A pastor from Toronto who espouses a universalist view. This is very much a scholarly take on the issue. However, this video is not promoting universalism as much as it is discussing the concept of hell.
The Origins of Satan, Hell, and Demons (59:16)
Good interview with Derek from MythVision podcast with Derreck Bennet about where Satan, hell, and demons came from. Anything from MV is quality content and this is no exception.
I traveled to Jerusalem to face my fear of hell. (25:24)
Awesome video from Genetically Modified Skeptic. He is a prolific YouTuber with over half a million subscribers. In this video, he shares his story and a gives a good history lesson on the topic of hell. Probably one of the better “hell videos” on YouTube right now.
Debates on Hell
Full Debate on Hell between Annihilationism and Traditionalism (2 hours 49 minutes)
A debate between Fernandes (traditionalist) and Christ Date (annihilationist). One of the more popular debates on this topic on YouTube and is therefore highly recommended for anyone looking for a solid debate between traditionalism and annihilationism.